Wednesday, October 5, 2011

The Singing Club of Simpsonville

I am not a good judge on the best singing club in District 7750, but the Rotary Club of Simpsonville did a good job in singing "America the Beautiful" at the start of their meeting. Several members asked me if other clubs also sang, and I commented that morning clubs rarely sing and very few lunch and evening clubs sing. After hearing some great singing and even a lip syncing trumpeter in Union yesterday, I believe the Simpsonville and Union Rotary Clubs should have a contest judged by able musicians to determine the best singing club! 
The Simpsonville Rotary Club has another special feature. They meet in their own meeting hall (Rotary Hall) in downtown Simpsonville that is decorated with banners, awards, and other special memorabilia from the club activities. The club celebrated their 50th Anniversary this year. The club's rich history and contributions to our district are numerous. PDG Clarence Buurman has been a Rotarian for 41 years. He shared his District Governor speech used in the 1979-80 year with me today as well as many stories from his wonderful years associated with Rotary International. 

President Tammy Bagwell had an impressive group of board members assembled when we arrived in Simpsonville. The board is excited about their club and has great plans to increase their presence in the community and continue to support projects with the Center for Community Development, the Christmas Parade, literacy, the Salvation Army, and water projects in Honduras. They hope to add 7 new members (net) this year, an admirable goal! The club has also been a great supporter of The Rotary Foundation, and they plan to continue that effort. I was very pleased with their decision to make a donation to the local free clinic. The clinic's director was present today to accept the donation.
Kathy and I added a little excitement to the meeting today since we brought our only grandchild, Christina Joy Goforth, to the meeting since our daughter-in-law is recovering from a recent surgical procedure. Christina was not particularly excited about hearing her grandfather speak, so Kathy got to spend some time with her outside. We enjoyed a great meal, an exciting round of Happy Dollars and fines, the induction of two new members, and great fellowship with the club members. I look forward to returning to the Simpsonville club in the future and know that this club has a very promising future!
Darryl Imperati was recognized as the Simpsonville Rotary Club's Notable Rotarian. Darryl has been a member since 2007, has served as Club Treasurer for the past 3 years, and is involved in many club activities. He serves as the Principal of Woodmont International Baccalaureate High School where he encourages his students to be involved in club activities. Darryl's students have sang and played instruments at club functions and even assisted in the creation of the 50th Anniversary Edition of the club directory. He also established and vigorously promotes a new Interact Club at his high school.

1 comment:

  1. We so enjoyed having you at our club! You are welcome to come back and have lunch with us at any time!

    Tammy Bagwell
